First of all, I must tell you that I will be talking exclusively about Linux only. However with only small bit of headache you should be able to copy the same procedure and implement the same thing in other Operating Systems also like MacOS and Windows.


First of all you should have cache enabled in your google chrome browser for this trick to work. Just go to the browser settings and then enable the cache. If it is already enabled you can increase the cache limit to something appreciable if you watch big videos so that whole of it resides in the cache itself and then you can save even large buffered videos to your disk and watch them later.


The cache folder of your google chrome browser resides in your home directory. There is a folder named google-chrome in there. Enter into this folder and then enter into a directory named Profile 1. There are two directories inside that with name Cache and Media Cache. Your media files, all pictures, music clips and video buffered resides there. The problem is that its really hard to find which one of them is the video file, which one of them is html page, script, song or picture.

Go to this folder as :

cd ~/.cache/google-chrome/Profile\ 1/

Video files usually resides in Cache folder. So go inside that directory.

cd Cache

You will see a lot of files in there. Just sort them by date and the latest videos buffered should be there. Just match few of the files with the matching timestamp. You can check the type of those files with a file command as :

file f_00564e

This will output the type of the file mentioned above. If its a video file it tells you its a video file. You can check few of the matching files with the timestamp and then play the video file with default media player.

If you are using gnome, you can open the file like this with the default media player to run that type of video, song or anything.

gnome-open f_00564e

If you are using kde, then use this :

kde-open f_00564e

This command shall open the default application with which that file should be opened.


I see that this procedure is too manual and requires a bit of headache. This procedure can be made very simpler for day to day use by writing a script that shall automatically detect the new file entered into that directory with its type as say video and then offer the user if he/she wants to save the same to hard disk for further use.

I will be working soon on this to create such kind of tool. If you do before me, do tell me by dropping me an email.

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09 November 2012
